Independent VS. Commercial

It is getting to that crucial time of the year again where we are all rushing on to the high-street and taping on those shop windows to see what we want to get people for Christmas. But what do you get the person who already has everything?

 “It is getting to that crucial time of the year again …”

When you are buying for that one person who seemingly has everything the best and only option is to buy them something that is edible or drinkable. With food and drink you can never go wrong because the choice is seemingly endless. The most popular purchases tend to be either chocolate or alcoholic gifts. These gifts are normally pre wrapped and come in fancy packaging. But where do you buy such a gift? Do you tend to go to the commercial branded chain shops like Thornton’s or Marks and Spenser’s or do you ditch the mainstream and go for the independent stores instead?

 “… the choice is seemingly endless.”

When it comes to chocolate the biggest seller of chocolate in the UK at Christmas time is Thornton’s. With it’s wide range of chocolates for all audiences, seasons and occasions you can guarantee to find your perfectly chocolaty gift here. The company is well established and has been a very big part of christmas due to its well known brand and it’s ability for you to personalise any gift you buy.


 “… the biggest seller of chocolate in the UK at Christmas time is Thornton’s.”

But if you are looking for something a little bit more personal or quirky you can go to an independent shop. These types of shops tend to sell more personalised gifts like fudge and specialty chocolate you cannot find anywhere else. These shops may be hard to find but these independent businesses tend to give a gift a more personal touch since the gift in usually hand made in the store.


“… a little bit more personal or quirky”

Personally I tend to go for shopping at a larger chain branded store like Thornton’s. This is because they tend to be easier to find and because they have gifts for people of all ages. To find your nearest Thornton’s or if you want to find out more about their great range of products visit them at there website:

If you want to get yourselves involved in our show we would like to find out where you shop in Lincoln around Christmas time. To get involved give us a tweet or a message on our Facebook and twitter page.

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3 thoughts on “Independent VS. Commercial

  1. Pingback: Independent VS. Commercial | Local Lincoln

  2. It depends what you want really. Some people would rather get edible gifts they have had before and know that they like them, but then it is good to have something unique and hand made. Love the show!! #locallincoln

  3. I go independent everytime.. they always have better quality items that feel more special than something anyone can go and pick up off the shelf of a larger chain.

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